Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Amazingness of Occasionality

   The boys got outfitted with goggles, elbow pads, knee pads, jerseys, braces, helmets and boots. There was a small amount of drama when awesome cool items had to be swapped out for other awesome cool items that fit better, but everyone was outfitted in the end and we set off for a nice quiet drive, down nice quiet roads, amid peaceful trees and farms. We passed the biggest pig I have ever seen, I seriously thought it was a cow at first and am still deliberating with myself as to the possibility of crossing a pig with a cow. We drove for an hour to get out of the city into the country to go and breath in some pollution, but all for a good cause.
   The boys were attending their first ever Motocross Camp. Which also happened to be a Haunted House and all you can eat candy bar. I am glad I am a Super Mother and brought water with me (that's right, in my world all you need to do is bring bottled water and presto you are Super Mom) who ever heard of all you can eat candy but not water. I guess this is what the world is coming to.
Needless to say the boys all fell more than promptly asleep in the car on the way home, I know perfect teeth rotting conditions and it's not even Halloween yet!
  The boys all felt very, very, very important and cool and amazing which are all good things for little boys to feel occasionally the occasionality strictly depending on their genetic makeup.
   They rode and ate and rode and ate and rode and ate yet some more candy. They learned how to corner, how to jump, how to start off a line, how to race, how to pass, and more. Including how to fall and how to barely avoid crashing head on with a stationary tractor, the last two being voluntary learning which we are all for around here.
   Their favorite part was riding the whole track which seemed so huge to them and so much fun. Nate even got to go for a few rides with them and passed a poor kid who crashed into the trees by the tractor, turned out to be his own son! But he was just fine and can't wait to go again, the fame this brought him could have been the highlight of the day which may be a close second to the sucker or the whoops needless to say he/they/all can't wait to go again next year.
   The Haunted house was just haunting enough and more anticipated than the new Harry Potter movie coming out. The Haunted house was deliberated on for a good half hour as to weather or not it would be too scary, too scary, or too scary! Turns out it was too scary but it was a good thing and, "maybe could have been scarier but probably not."




 Waiting to be bigger


Keeping an eye on Tractor Boy


  1. "Waiting to be bigger so Dadda can keep an eye on Tractor Boy #2" hahahhaha

  2. What fun! Great pictures too. The boys look so cute in their gear.

  3. Family days where everyone gets to play hard, eat lots and sleep like a log when it's all over are the best. The pictures are great! I'm going to ask the boys about that pig.
