Friday, June 15, 2012

Birth Stories TBA!

I have been feeling, thinking and procrastinating writing my birth stories. I was very uncomfortable with the idea of writing them when I was not finished with them but now that I am officially finished with giving birth and being pregnant forever and ever. (YAY) I feel comfortable writing about it.
How did I know I was done having children? Well, I was planning on having four children, that was the plan since I had the first one. Four seemed like a good number and some days I think that I am in way over my head and how easy life would be if I had stopped at two but I love my busy happy family and am grateful I was able to have four children. I was very, very sick with the last one, and the first one, and quite sick with the third one and a bit sick with the second. My labors were normal, uncomplicated, and an experience I would never wish on anyone else and yet a treasure I will be forever grateful for. I'm still not sure how those two feelings can co-exist but they do. These stories are my normal and very abnormal for the rest of this aria of the world.

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