Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Advent for Sister Turner

My Sister, Sister Turner is serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
I wanted to give her a meaningful gift that added to her service and gave her an extra dose of the true meaning of Christmas, what better way than to give her a service Advent.

The Santa Baby I only want to make you happy Advent Adventure:

1. Quote from the book Gift from the Sea. Note on service and joy. Rules for advent. 

2. Gift certificate to go eat at The Garden Restaurant in the Joseph Smith Building and look at the city lights. 

3. Sing What Child is this carol to someone or recite like poem.

4. Give a hug, quote about the power/goodness of hugs.

5. Read John 13, Lush lotion bar gift, give her companion a foot rub.

6. When Joseph went to Bethlehem from the Childrens songbook decoration for wall.

7. Sing Three Kings of Orient carol to someone or recite/read like poem. 

8. Make hot cocoa for a friend and yourself. gift card for milk and whip cream, mailed cocoa mix.

9.  Sent her a blank Thank you card for her to give to someone who she would like to thank for something someone did or a kindness shared.

10. Read in Matthew about the wise men following the new star. Sent her a star ornament I made.

11. Sent her paper snowflakes, picture of W.A. Bentley snowflake, note about W.A Bentley and his work photographing snowflakes and showing everyone the beauty that was in something they all saw but didn't see. 
Gift card to card to Papyrus paper store.

12. Mix for making ginger/dried fruit cookies for her to bake and share
-a ginger chocolate spice cookie with almonds, raisins, cranberries, figs, chocolate chips.

13. Sent a blank Christmas card with the instructions to -Write this christmas card for someone and leave it under the windshield wiper on a parked car. 

14.Sent her tissue paper snow angel and heart decoration (and tape to hang) make a face print in the snow if it's snowy. Shoes optional. 

15. Scripture, Luke 2:46-52, Mosiah 2:17.

16. Candy cane to eat, challenge to do something sweet, kind or loving for someone.

17. Sketch a Nativity scene with you in it, think about where you would put yourself and how you would feel to be there.

18. Gift Card to go to breakfast or lunch at a soup and sandwich shop also money to buy a 10 dollar gift card, ask the teller to give it to the next person in line as a gift. 

19. Gift card to buy an ornament, wrap with this paper and put this "For You" tag on it. Leave it where you can see it so you can watch someone find it.

20. Scripture Luke 2:1-20, 3 Nephi 1:1-21, think about how your thoughts, actions and service affect others and others and others as the pebble ripple in a still pond
 I see in my minds eye Mary praying for any night but this to go into labor, no family, friends, home, not even a room and on the other side of the world Nephi is pleading that the sign be given this night in order for his people to be saved. 

21. Gift, knit boot toppers.

22. Gift, Skirt.

23. Gift, Shirt.

24. Gift, Mighty leaf, and fancy salted carmel chocolate bar, grey (warm) leotards.

25. Nordstrom gift card

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