Looking back over time a growing number of years ago. The time that seemed to stretch as the weeks flew by, like am still tied to that spot but time forces the road between to stretch and I get pulled back to that place in quiet moments to reflect, think and to grow. I call it my Picture of Sorrow.
It is when my Mother came back from the Dr's office and she is walking down the driveway, alone and crying, she looks small which means I look big and that is a strange place to be in relation to ones Mother but a necessary relation as time passes. We sit on a low rock wall beside the driveway and she tells me she has cancer and I say that I'm so sorry and it is the right thing to say, as I am sorry and not in a trite way or a selfish way but in a sorry way. My sister comes over and I tell her and she takes a seat on the other side of our Mother and we sit and hug our Mother while she cries each lost in our thoughts.
I look down the driveway expecting the view to have changed for inside me all has changed but the view is the same in a comforting and frustrating way, for you want the world to respond to your sorrow and you want nothing to change even though everything has. The gravel driveway still lies in it's place just as I sit in place and look the same but will never be. As sorrowful as this picture remains it is a hopeful place to revisit as with knowledge comes power and healing.
I will never return as the former daughter to visit home but I continue to return as the same friend.
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