Thursday, September 16, 2010

Diet Sprite

   My sister and I have a bit of an inside insight. We call it diet Sprite and you know, sometimes as a child you need some diet Sprite and many times as a teenager you have more diet Sprite than you want and then you become married and you don't want any diet Sprite anymore, at least for a while. Then a Baby comes along and man oh man you need diet Sprite like you have never needed anything before, yet it is a conflicting emotion because you think maybe your baby should satisfy all your need for diet Sprite but your baby does no such thing, your baby makes you crazy for diet Sprite right when diet Sprite appears to be removed from off the face of the earth, at least from your point of view.
   Diet Sprite (from the movie Date Night) is "Me" time, "My" and only "Me, My" time. It is dropping everything just to do nothing like sit alone in silence and drink diet Sprite. With no one there, and no telephone so if someone did need to call you because they had a bleeding nose or they are hungry again, right now, five minutes after lunch. They would just have to call someone else until you finish your diet Sprite.
   And even though diet Sprite claims to have no nutritional value as it is basically nothing it does just what the label claims, a real life sugar rush to tackle that huge stack of dishes in the sink, the high chair covered in bananas and oatmeal the lego encrusted staircase, the laundry that never ends, the dinners and dinners and dinners to cook for the rest of your life, all these things get put in their proper place and time with a little bit of diet Sprite.
   As a mother of 3 adorable lego playing, banana eating, shower loathing boys I take my diet Sprite in any form - I don't care if it is a sip, a mug or a paper cup that is leaking out of the bottom.
   I found a heavenly pool of diet Sprite in Wyoming. It was an hour drive on a bumpy gravel road to a little old cement pool painted light pink under the rocks and trees with a lovely hotspring of diet Sprite pouring into it at 101.5 degrees.
Even though I was not the only one there I felt like I was. Some places just feel holy and this was one of them, like when you are on top of a mountain, or in a forest that feels like no one has ever set foot in, or when you sit and drink your diet sprite, which means it is more of a mind set which mind set is so rare for me that when it finds me I drink it in. (pun intended)

The boys enjoyed it immensely too in a bit of a different way as they like to drink diet Sprite for the pure joy of burping afterward.
And of course I could never have any diet Sprite in my life if it wasn't for awesomeness defined right here.
 I just might owe you a six pack of diet Sprite after this restful week in Wyoming. Though if you've seen the movie...I'm not going to even go there.

1 comment:

  1. Ill pick up some diet Sprite for you when you come - you could maybe share it with Amanda. I am quite tired of it as I've had buckets of it lately. :) M
