I never cease to be amazed at the many different people in this world and their outlook on life and the world around them, sometimes I see someone and I can't believe how good they are at life then others who are good at life in a way I never even considered.
Take this example for example:
The other day at the Zoo two women came walking across my path. One lady was wearing her long blond waist length hair in a gold headband around the top of her head, blue jeans and a loose grey shirt. The other lady in some short ripped bluejean shorts and beady lacy top also with long blond hair and both wearing big huge-mongous dark sunglasses.
I just couldn't pass up this opportunity to see what 10 minutes in their shoes was like, by observation of course, they were walking along looking stylish and pushing toddlers in baby strollers, we were going to see the elephants anyways and who says children get to have all the fun at the Zoo. So I followed them up the trail. I'm pretty sure I was invisible to them so I didn't worry to much about trying to look like a fly on the wall, I think my 3 boys, baggy coat and makupless face did the trick.
Their first stop was the elephant pen and so we also stopped to observe. (the elephants of course)! Beady's daughter is dressed like Brittany Spears, probably 4 years old and sucking on a soother.
Beady's daughter: "The elephant poops on the ground."
Beady: "Yes honey he poops on the ground because he is too big for the potty," (no wonder the girl still sucks on a soother, I would also be terrified of growing too big to fit my potty) "they don't make potties big enough for him" (so he would use one if he could?)
Beady decides they have seen enough of the elephants and the conversation so on they walk to the tiger pen to see the baby tiger cubs.
Headband's son gets taken out of the stroller wearing small rocker clothes (the only thing he is missing is the dark eyeliner) he is probably 3 but maybe Headband has gotten his voice box removed as he is silent and stares around like it is maybe the 2nd time in his life he has been out of his stroller in public.
Headband wants to take a picture so she gets out her sleek little blue camera from her stroller but panic and panic her phone looks like the peacock thought it was his potty which is now all over her finger, panic her nicely manicured finger and panic soaking into her skin and panic where oh where are the baby wipes and the sanitizer and the panic oh panic. I don't think she got to take a photo of her son's second time ever out of the stroller but she did get her finger reclaimed and her son safely back in his stroller because he must have gotten that mess in there as she kept asking him where the mess had come from but he didn't, wouldn't or couldn't answer.
I continued on at this point as I figured I had stared enough and the boys were ready to move on from the sleeping tiger cubs. This was easily one of my more educational visits to the Zoo. Thanks life for making and letting me be me.
ahahha this is great! Wish you could post a video:)
ReplyDeleteI'd love to see an "Elephant sized" potty. :p