Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I Hate Purses!

I was going to go visit my family in Canada, I was going to go there on Sunday, I was going to make the 3 hour drive to the border with my husband and 3 little boys, I was then going to get dropped off at the ferry and picked up on the other side by my father and finish the 8 hour total trip to the Island with him.
    I was going to do this well planned vacation on Sunday yet on Sunday I was sleeping in my own bed in Seattle with the alarm clock set for 5 am why is this you ask? To make my husband a 6 course breakfast before 7am? No, it is all because of a purse. I usually love purses, well more along the lines of bags and backpacks but there are some cool purses out there too, if I was to have a "shoe type" girly impulse downfall at the mall it would be for a purse. But right now I hate purses and this is why, I packed my green purse for the trip with diapers, snacks, wallet, books, toys, ID, blanket, etc. etc. It would not close so I went and grabbed my much bigger brown purse and repacked that with all the stuff and more. We loaded up the car I grabbed my purse and we set out. After 2 hours we stopped in Bellingham for some lunch as we were ahead of schedule, Nate had a heart attack moment when he said, " I forgot my passport" to which I calmly responded I had packed it with the birth certificates, which I had, in my green purse, in a zipper pocket, where they fit perfectly, and I had double checked just that morning. When we got back in the car to head for the boarder I went to get all our ID together in a nice little bundle and where was my green purse with it's nice little zipper pocket for the passport and the birth certificates? Well, it was at home 2 hours away, in the closet. Where was I? In Bellingham with my brown purse, which holds way to many diapers!
  Oh how I hate purses. So we turned around and drove back home, kind of a long drive just to get a burrito and fill up the gas tank.
   At the moment of realization you feel a bit sick, then unbelief as in checking every singe pocket in case you put it somewhere that you never would and just don't remember, which would mean one was loosing her mind, but the hope for this is still there. Then I hope in a way that the ferry will sink, then you are not forgetful you are inspired, but this idea is quickly dismissed in sympathy for all the people on board, if anyone is wondering this proves I have sympathy, then I think maybe I forgot something even more important but all the boys are in the back seat so that is not it, at the very least I better sit beside someone on the Seattle to Victoria Clipper tomorrow that needs to meet me, though how much talking am I going to do with 3 little boys at my own 4 person table? Turns out in the end the only thing I forgot was my camera which I hadn't really forgotten but I decided to bring it to at least bring something else so my blog is what really benefited from the Sunday ordeal. Which isn't really fair as it is not even a thing, it's more of an idea.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't have that sinking feeling when you revealed you didn't in fact have them with you...but only because I had already experienced it when I thought I had forgotten my passport!
