Sunday, September 26, 2010

from small things...

   The 3 boys and I are visiting Quadra Island, visiting my family. We went to the Fire Hall's 50th anniversary and there was an adventure awaiting, we were excited to go to learn about fire safety for a Cub Scout badge and to get a pancake breakfast and...
   All you can eat cotton candy! Which the boys were super, super excited about as they informed me they had never had their very own cotton candy as I always make them share and they couldn't even remember what it tasted like. Does that make me a good parent or a bad one? According to them this was a very important step in their childhood- getting their own cotton candy.
   Breakfast was great, the boys got to eat pan "cake", blow the air horn in the firetruck, see the lights flashing, try on firemen suits, play with helium balloons, learn about big tools, see big trucks, sit in big trucks, meet real live Firemen and explore the Fire Hall, all with no lineups or waiting, the blessings of a small Island compared with a City.
   Then their was the unintentional fire safety demonstration that I hope will have a lasting effect on the boys.
  The lesson was how to use a fire extinguisher which turned into why not to pour diesel into a burning fire, even if the flame is very, very small. Because even a very, very small flame can move very, very quickly 3 feet to the pouring can, into the can, explode the can, blast through the air with a very, very loud bang and the man who was holding the can now has very, very hot fire on his head which in the split second of realization quadrupled in size! Man was saved, hair was not, well half of it. The boys were disappointed they never got a turn using the fire extinguishers. Lets hope that that disappointment can continue on through their lives.


  1. I wonder if every time they hold a melting bit of cotton candy in their mouth they will remember a man with his hair on fire and what not to do with a can of diesel.

  2. I'm sure I'll give them plenty of memories on what not to do with fire. ;)

  3. I think I have a photo pre on fire if you want to post:)
